Friday, January 29, 2010

Of Birth Certificates, pink eye and soothers

Caught your attention didn't I? Well it has been an interesting week here in the hen house. Last Sunday our dear Kevin developed pink eye, as i rub my eye again, come on i am sure you did too! It is an irritating little feller that gobs up little childrens eyes and takes a good dose of eye drops to clear. Well clear they did and then i was extra cautious to make sure Rachel didnt get it, or the other boys for that matter. This momma was on high eye alert. I even checked the dog at times. But that also passed, we survived and we needed a birth certificte for Rachel. You know to prove she was born. Well..... to prove to the world she was born. I know she was born....i am sooo glad she was born....she had to be born becaue she was late....or she would have exploded out of me. Ok bad picture. SO this mommy, with a toque on (i have to mention this now beause it is necessary to make it funnier later) headed to the registry office with postpinkeye Kevin in toe and of course the victim Rachel. As i got in the door, she started to whimper, i think it's cause she still feels the need to remind me she hates her toque. So i took it off and waited my turn with 3 others in line. She got more mad, so maybe mommy had to take her toque off. i did that seeing it was warm in the office and imagine what toque hair with a slight drizzle of static would look like on me who had not even brushed my hair that morning!! Wow, i type alot, anyhow. She continued to bellow. Louder and louder, by now others were watching. I pulled out my paperwork acting like i was not leaving for i had to be here too! A lady appraoched me and asked if she could help, i answered no thanks i think i am ok. Kevin was sweetly smiling at her from under his toque and revealed his post-slightlypink eye and the lady quickly backed up. Two people left and my turn crept closer. Rachel started her shrill. The lady cautiously approached me again and asked if she could feed Rachel for me. I replied no thanks she is nursed. Kevin decided to help me out by sticking the soother hard into Rachels mouth. He is quite persistant in the matter. He will not allow her to spit it out! Then came my turn, poor woman behind counter. She looked up from her computer to find a scary hairy mommy, a postpartum pinkeyed boy and a screaming baby. The questions she nailed me with..... i was so unprepared. Where was she born? Umm the hospital. Which one? I turned to the helpful lady behind me and asked what is the name of the Ponoka hospital? She replied "which one the mental or general", question answered. I guess you can have babies in the brain injury hospital as well. Unless Tim turned the wrong way ou of the driveway... i remember giving birth in the the general hospital. Tho i was really drugged with my it was the Ponoka General. so the paperwork continued, Kevin persisted with the soother ritual and i swept hair out of my face again! The registry lady was content with with my info and i attempted to pay her, but my purse was gone. I turned around and found Kevin had attempted to help me pay by emptying the contents on the floor. Imagine, nursing pads, other pads;) mentos, reciepts coins OH another soother and stuff strewn about. Rachel persisted to remind me she was still hungry. Oh i love mother hood. I found the money, and knew i had to get out fast or i would end up in the brain injury unit today yet! We survived, picked up our mess and toques and left to nurse Rachel and our pathetic attitude in the vehicle.


  1. That sounds like quite the adventure that you had! (BTW, you could have stopped in to feed rather than in your vehicle!) ;-)

  2. Ha what an idea! i will remmber that one!!! Watch out i may being coming soon to a home near you!

  3. I hope you're laughing with me, cause that's funny! The purse contents would be horrifying! I wiould have told the lady that Rachel was born in the Brain Injury unti. Dumb questions=dumb answers. But then again, the DMV people have NO sense of humour--I think it's a prerequisite to the job. "Must be impersonable and cold. Must excel in exasperating people."

  4. Wow, Inge, quite the adventure. i should have been there, just like in the doctor's office. Poor Brenda looked at me like she missed, no, Rachel is not mine.You story is funny though, sorry. I love your determination of getting things done, no matter the dumb questions, the howling of sweet Rachel, and the "lost but quickly found" purse. Hey, can't blame the boy. Looking after his sister is quite the job. If things don't work, you have to move on....Keep us updated.

  5. Your blogs are a joy to read Inge. In fact, you are hilarious. I appreciate that you see humour in the ordinary things of life and that you can laugh at yourself. About your laundry blog, housework etc., I can tell you that housecleaning is not my favorite thing either, but I find it helps to be thankful for each item in my home that needs care...each item to dust, fold etc. Many people, the world over, don't have anything to care for. God has spoiled me rotten. Keep writing Inge, and yes, you should write a book.
